贾红磊,女,吉林大安人,副教授,硕士生导师。2013年毕业于兰州大学生命学院植物学专业获得博士学位。2014.3-2016.3年在西北农林科技大学生命学院从事博士后科研工作。2016.3至今在安博官方网站任职。陕西省首届秦岭生态环境保护“青年学者”;担任国家自然科学基金函评专家,陕西省自然科学基金评审专家;Plant Physiology、Journal of Integrative Plant Biology、Applied Soil Ecology等知名SCI期刊审稿人。2014年起在西北农林科技大学从事博士后科研工作。2016年3月调入安博官方网站工作。
近五年来主持国家自然科学基金青年项目1项、中国博士后科学基金面向项目1项、陕西省自然科学基金1项;参与国家自然科学基金青年项目及陕西省自然科学基金青年项目等。以第一及通讯作者在Mol. Plant,Plant Physiol., Environ. Exp. Bot.,等国际权威期刊发表SCI论文18篇(Cell子刊一篇),累积影响因子56,单篇最高引用率64。
1. Jia HL, Ma PY, Huang L, Wang X, Chen C, Liu C, Wei T, Yang J, Guo JK, Li JS. Hydrogen sulfide regulates the growth of tomato root cells by affecting the cell wall biosynthesis under CuO NPs stress. Plant Biology 2021. accept
2. Chen SS, Wang XF, Jia HL, Li F, Ma Y, Liesche J, Liao M, Ding X, Liu C, Chen Y, Li N, Li JS. Persulfidation-induced Structural Change of SnRK2.6 Establishes Intramolecular Interaction between Phosphorylation and Persulfidation. Molecular Plant. 2021. 并列第一作者,accept
3. Jia HL, Wang X, Shi C, Guo JK, Ma PY, Ren XH, Wei T, Liu HX, Li JS. Hydrogen sulfide decreases Cd translocation from root to shoot through increasing Cd accumulation in cell wall and decreasing Cd2+ influx in Isatis indigotica. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry. 2020. 155: 605-612.
4. Li JS, Wang XF, Wang X, Ma PY, Yin WL, Wang YQ, Chen Y, Chen SL, Jia HL. Hydrogen sulfide promotes hypocotyl elongation via increasing cellulose content and changing the arrangement of cellulose fibrils in alfalfa. Journal of Experimental Botany. 2020. 71(19): 5852-586. 通讯作者
5. Li JS, Shi C, Wang XF, Liu CX, Ding XT, Ma PY, Wang X, Jia HL. Hydrogen sulfide regulates the activity of antioxidant enzymes through persulfidation and improves the resistance of tomato seedling to Copper Oxide nanoparticles (CuO NPs)-induced oxidative stress. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry. 2020. 156: 257-266. 通讯作者
6. Xu J, Jia HL, Ma HR, Tian, CY, Zhu C. Salinity relief aniline induced oxidative stress in Suaeda salsa: Activities of antioxidative enzyme and EPR measurements. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety. 2020. 205: 111293. 通讯作者
7. Jia HL, Wang XH, Wei T, Wang M, Liu X, Hua L, Ren XH, Guo JK, Li JS. Exogenous salicylic acid regulates cell wall polysaccharides synthesis and pectin methylation to reduce Cd accumulation of tomato. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety. 2020. 207: 111550.
8. Chen SS, Jia HL, Wang XF, Shi C, Wang X, Ma P, Wang J, Ren M, Li J. Hydrogen Sulfide Positively Regulates Abscisic Acid Signaling through Persulfidation of SnRK2.6 in Guard Cells. Molecular Plant. 2020. 13(5):732-744.. IF: 12.084,高倍引论文,热点论文
9. Jia HL, Chen SS, Wang X, Shi C, Liu KN, Zhang SX, Li JS. Copper oxide nanoparticles alter cellular morphology via disturbing the actin cytoskeleton dynamics in Arabidopsis roots. Nanotoxicology. 2019 5:1-18.
10. Jia, HL, Wang XH, Wei T, Zhou R, Muhammad H, Hua L, Ren XH, Guo JK, Ding YZ. Accumulation and fixation of Cd by tomato cell wall pectin under Cd stress. Environmental and Experimental Botany 2019 167: 103829.
11. Li, JS; Chen, SS; Wang, XF; Shi, C; Liu, HX; Yang, J; Shi, W; Guo, JK; Jia, HL. Hydrogen Sulfide Disturbs Actin Polymerization via S-Sulfhydration Resulting in Stunted Root Hair Growth. Plant Physiology 2018, 178:936-949.
12. Jia, HL; Yang, J; Liu, HX; Liu, KN ; Ma, PY; Chen, SS; Shi, W; Wei, T; Ren, XH; Guo, JK ; Li, JS. Hydrogen sulfide – cysteine cycle plays a positive role in Arabidopsis responses to Copper Oxide nanoparticles stress. Environmental and Experimental Botany 2018, 115:195-205.
13. Jia, HL; Chen, SS; Liu, D; Liesche, J; Shi, C; Wang, J; Ren, MJ ; Wang, XF; Yang, J; Shi, W ; Li, JS. Ethylene-Induced Hydrogen Sulfide Negatively Regulates Ethylene Biosynthesis by Persulfidation of ACO in Tomato Under Osmotic Stress. Frontiers in Plant Science 2018 9: 1571.
14. Jia, HL; Yang, J; Liesche, J; Liu, X; Hu, YF; Si, WT; Guo, JK; Li, JS. Ethylene promotes pollen tube growth by affecting actin filament organization via the cGMP-dependent pathway in Arabidopsis thaliana. Protoplasma 2018, 255: 273-284.
15. Jia, HL; Wang, XF; Dou, YH; Liu, D; Si, WT; Fang, H; Zhao, C; Chen, SL; Xi, JJ; Li, JS. Hydrogen sulfide - cysteine cycle system enhances cadmium tolerance through alleviating cadmium-induced oxidative stress and ion toxicity in Arabidopsis roots. Scientific Reports 2016, 6: 39702.
16. Jia, H; Hu, Y; Fan, T; Li, J. Hydrogen sulfide modulates actin-dependent auxin transport via regulating ABPs results in changing of root development in Arabidopsis. Scientific Reports 2015, 5: 8251.
17. Li, JS; Jia, HL; Wang, J; Cao, QH; Wen, ZC. Hydrogen sulfide is involved in maintaining ion homeostasis via regulating plasma membrane Na+/H+ antiporter system in the hydrogen peroxide-dependent manner in salt-stress Arabidopsis thaliana root. Protoplasma 2014 251: 899-912.
18. Li, JS; Jia, HL; Wang, J. cGMP and ethylene are involved in maintaining ion homeostasis under salt stress in Arabidopsis roots. Plant Cell Reports 2014, 33: 447-459. IF: 3.499
19. Jia, HL; Li, JS; Zhu, JG; Fan, TT; Qian, D; Zhou, YL; Wang, JJ; Ren, HY; Xiang, Y; An, LZ. Arabidopsis CROLIN1, a Novel Plant Actin-binding Protein, Functions in Cross-linking and Stabilizing Actin Filaments. Journal of Biological Chemistry 2013 288: 32277-32288.
Li, Jisheng; Jia, Honglei. cGMP modulates Arabidopsis lateral root formation through regulation of polar auxin transport. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 2013, 66 : 105-117.