Apple and Paramount Crack Down on Intermissions for “Killers of the Flower Moon”

Apple and Paramount Pictures have reached out to theaters that have added intermissions to the film “Killers of the Flower Moon,” directed by Martin Scorsese, saying that they have violated their contract and telling them to show the film as intended.

Scorsese's New Film Opens With Second Big.
Credit: Killers Of The Flower Moon 2023

Apple and Paramount Crack Down

Theaters that have added intermissions to the film include Uci Cinemas, a chain with theaters in Germany, Italy, Portugal, and Brazil, and Euro Cinemas, a chain with theaters in the United Kingdom and Ireland. The intermissions range from six to 15 minutes long.

Apple and Paramount have argued that the intermissions disrupt the flow of the film and undermine the filmmaker’s vision. They have also said that the intermissions are unnecessary, as the film is already well-paced and does not require a break.

Theaters that have added intermissions to the film have defended their decision, saying that they are doing so for the comfort of their patrons. They have also said that they are within their rights to add intermissions to films, as long as they do not alter the content of the films.

The controversy over intermissions in “Killers of the Flower Moon” raises a number of interesting questions. Should filmmakers have the final say on how their films are presented to audiences? Do theaters have a responsibility to respect the filmmaker’s vision? And what about the comfort of the audience?

Apple TV+
Credit: Apple TV+

Arguments in favor of intermissions:

  • Intermissions give audiences a chance to use the restroom, get snacks, and stretch their legs. This can be especially important for long films.
  • Intermissions can help audiences to stay engaged with the film. By giving them a break to process what they have seen and return to their seats refreshed, intermissions can help to prevent audiences from getting restless or bored.
  • Intermissions can also be used to create suspense or build anticipation for the second half of the film.

Arguments against intermissions:

  • Intermissions can disrupt the flow of the film and take audiences out of the story.
  • Intermissions can also be a waste of time. If a film is well-paced and engaging, audiences should not need a break to stay interested.
  • In some cases, filmmakers may specifically choose not to include an intermission in their film. This may be because they want the film to be experienced as a single, uninterrupted journey.
Apple and Paramount Crack Down on Intermissions for "Killers of the Flower Moon"
Credit: Killers Of The Flower Moon 2023

In the case of “Killers of the Flower Moon,” Martin Scorsese has said that he did not include an intermission because he did not want the film to be interrupted. He has also said that he believes the film is well-paced and does not require a break.

Some critics have argued that Scorsese’s decision not to include an intermission is elitist and disregards the needs of the audience. They have also pointed out that many other long films, such as “The Godfather” and “Lawrence of Arabia,” have included intermissions without any problems.

Others have defended Scorsese’s decision, saying that he has the right to present his film in the way that he sees fit. They have also argued that audiences should be willing to trust a filmmaker of Scorsese’s caliber to tell them when and where to take a break.

Ultimately, the decision of whether or not to add an intermission to a film is up to the individual theater. However, theaters should be aware of the potential consequences of doing so. By adding an intermission to a film without the filmmaker’s permission, theaters risk violating their contract and could even be sued.

Killers of the Flower Moon
Credit: Killers Of The Flower Moon 2023

The controversy over intermissions in “Killers of the Flower Moon” is a reminder that there is no easy answer when it comes to balancing the filmmaker’s vision with the needs of the audience. It is up to each individual theater to decide how to best serve its patrons.

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