David Fincher says he hasn’t seen ‘FIGHT CLUB’ in 20 years

David Fincher is a renowned filmmaker, known for his dark and visually stunning films such as Se7en, Fight Club, and Zodiac. But despite his success, Fincher is a notoriously private person who rarely talks about his personal life or his work.

David Fincher says he hasn’t seen ‘FIGHT CLUB’ in 20 years
Source: Fight Club 1999

Fight Club’s Reluctant Father David Fincher

In a recent interview, Fincher revealed that he hasn’t seen Fight Club in 20 years. When asked why, he simply said, “I don’t want to.”

Fincher’s reluctance to revisit Fight Club is understandable. The film was a critical and commercial success, but it was also a highly controversial one. Some praised its satire of consumerism and its exploration of male masculinity, while others criticized its violence and its nihilistic message.

Fincher has said that he’s not interested in rehashing old material. He’s more interested in looking forward and making new films. He’s also said that he doesn’t think Fight Club is a particularly relevant film today.

“It’s like looking at your grade school pictures, or something,” he said. “Yeah, I was there.”

Fincher’s disinterest in Fight Club is a reminder that even the most successful filmmakers can be ambivalent about their own work. After all, even the greatest films are a product of their time. And sometimes, it’s better to just leave the past in the past.

Why Fincher’s Choice Makes Sense

There are a few reasons why Fincher’s choice to avoid Fight Club makes sense.

First, the film is very personal to him. He spent years developing the project and was deeply involved in every aspect of its production. As a result, he may feel that he has nothing more to say about the film.

Second, Fight Club is a very specific film. It’s a product of its time and reflects the cultural and social anxieties of the late 1990s. Fincher may feel that the film is no longer relevant to today’s audiences.

Third, Fincher is a very busy filmmaker. He’s constantly working on new projects and doesn’t have time to revisit old ones. He may simply feel that his time is better spent on new material.

Fight Club’s Legacy

Despite Fincher’s disinterest, Fight Club remains a popular and influential film. It’s been praised for its sharp social commentary, its iconic characters, and its groundbreaking visual style.

The film has also been credited with popularizing the “fight club” concept, which has since been replicated in countless other films and TV shows.

But Fight Club is also a controversial film. Some have criticized its violence, its nihilistic message, and its misogyny.

Despite its flaws, Fight Club remains a powerful and thought-provoking film. It’s a film that challenges its viewers and makes them think about the world in new ways.

Source: Fight Club 1999

Fight Club in 2023

So what does Fight Club mean for audiences in 2023? Is it still a relevant film?

In some ways, Fight Club is more relevant than ever. The film’s satire of consumerism and its exploration of male masculinity are still timely.

But in other ways, Fight Club has aged poorly. The film’s violence and its nihilistic message may be less appealing to today’s audiences.

Ultimately, it’s up to each individual viewer to decide what Fight Club means to them. But there’s no denying that it’s a powerful and thought-provoking film that has left a lasting impact on popular culture.


David Fincher’s decision to avoid Fight Club is understandable. The film is very personal to him, it’s a product of its time, and he’s simply too busy to revisit old projects.

But despite Fincher’s disinterest, Fight Club remains a popular and influential film. It’s a film that challenges its viewers and makes them think about the world in new ways.

Whether or not you find Fight Club to be a relevant film in 2023 is up to you. But there’s no denying that it’s a powerful film that has left a lasting impact on popular culture.

Related: David Fincher says his cancelled ‘WORLD WAR Z’ sequel would have been a little like ‘The Last of Us’

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