Studios reportedly stop negotiating with SAG-AFTRA until January

The Alliance of Motion Picture and Television Producers (AMPTP) has reportedly stopped negotiating with the Screen Actors Guild-American Federation of Television and Radio Artists (SAG-AFTRA) until January unless they can reach a deal in the next week. This is a tactic by the studios to put pressure on the union to take a deal.


 Studios Back Down, SAG-AFTRA (W)

SAG-AFTRA has been negotiating for a new contract since the spring, and the two sides have been unable to reach an agreement on several key issues, including pay raises, residuals from streaming services, and protections surrounding the use of artificial intelligence.

The AMPTP has said that it is willing to make a deal, but only if SAG-AFTRA is willing to compromise. However, SAG-AFTRA has said that it is not willing to compromise on its core demands.

The studios’ decision to stop negotiating until January is a significant escalation in the dispute. It means that there is a real possibility of a strike by SAG-AFTRA members if a deal is not reached by the end of the year.

SAG can wait for the deal they deserve as long as it takes

SAG-AFTRA members are in a strong position to negotiate a good deal. The entertainment industry is booming, and the studios are making record profits. SAG-AFTRA members are the ones who make these profits possible, and they deserve to be fairly compensated.

SAG-AFTRA members also have the advantage of time. The studios are eager to avoid a strike, which would disrupt production and cost them millions of dollars. SAG-AFTRA members can afford to wait as long as it takes to get the deal they deserve.


What does this mean for fans?

If a strike does occur, it could have a significant impact on fans. The studios would be unable to produce new movies and TV shows, and existing shows would be delayed or even cancelled.

However, it is important to remember that the studios are using their profits to fund a union-busting campaign. They are trying to force SAG-AFTRA members to accept a deal that does not meet their needs.

Fans can support SAG-AFTRA members by signing the union’s petition and by spreading the word about the negotiations. Fans can also support SAG-AFTRA members by watching movies and TV shows that feature SAG-AFTRA members’ work.


The AMPTP’s decision to stop negotiating with SAG-AFTRA until January is a significant escalation in the dispute. However, SAG-AFTRA members are in a strong position to negotiate a good deal.

Fans can support SAG-AFTRA members by signing the union’s petition and by spreading the word about the negotiations. Fans can also support SAG-AFTRA members by watching movies and TV shows that feature SAG-AFTRA members’ work.

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