Christopher Nolan says he doesn’t like the term biopic

Christopher Nolan has said that he doesn’t like the term “biopic” because it’s too reductive. He believes that it’s impossible to accurately convey the entirety of a person’s life in a single movie, and that the term “biopic” suggests that this is what filmmakers are trying to do.

Christopher Nolan says he doesn’t like the term biopic
Source: Oppenheimer 2023

Christopher Nolan Doesn’t Like Biopic

“I think the term ‘biopic’ is a bit reductive,” Nolan said in an interview. “It suggests that you’re trying to make a film that is a comprehensive and accurate account of someone’s life, and I don’t think that’s possible. You can only make a film about a few aspects of someone’s life, and the rest is necessarily left out.”

Nolan went on to say that he prefers to think of his films as “character studies.” He said that he’s more interested in exploring the complex motivations and inner lives of his characters than in providing a complete factual record of their lives.

“I’m interested in making films about characters,” Nolan said. “I want to explore their motivations, their desires, their fears, their hopes, their dreams. I want to understand what makes them human. I’m not so interested in simply providing a factual account of someone’s life.”

Nolan’s view of biopics is shared by many other filmmakers. Martin Scorsese has said that he doesn’t like the term “biopic” because it suggests that filmmakers are trying to make a “definitive” film about someone’s life. He said that he prefers to think of his films as “interpretations” of the lives of his characters.

“I don’t like the term ‘biopic,'” Scorsese said in an interview. “It suggests that you’re trying to make a definitive film about someone’s life. But it’s impossible to do that. You can only make an interpretation of someone’s life, based on your own limited understanding of them.”

Nolan and Scorsese’s views on biopics are important to keep in mind when watching films about real people. It’s important to remember that these films are not always accurate depictions of the lives of their subjects. They are interpretations, and they should be watched with a critical eye.

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