Joaquin Phoenix Cast As Napoleon Because Of “Joker”

Joaquin Phoenix is one of the most versatile and talented actors working today. He’s given us unforgettable performances in films like Gladiator, Walk the Line, and The Master. But his most recent role, as the Joker in Todd Phillips’ 2019 film, may be his most challenging and transformative yet.

Joaquin Phoenix Cast As Napoleon
Source: Apple TV

Joaquin Phoenix Cast As Napoleon Because Of “Joker”

Phoenix’s performance as the Joker was met with universal critical acclaim, and it earned him an Oscar. It was a performance that was both disturbing and mesmerizing, and it showed that Phoenix is one of the most fearless actors in Hollywood.

So, how did Phoenix’s performance as the Joker lead to him being cast as Napoleon Bonaparte in Ridley Scott’s upcoming epic? According to Scott, it was Phoenix’s uncanny resemblance to Napoleon that first caught his eye.

“I’m staring at Joaquin and saying, ‘This little demon is Napoleon Bonaparte!’ He looks like him,” Scott recounted when he first saw Phoenix as Joker.

But Scott was also impressed by Phoenix’s ability to bring depth and complexity to his roles. “Joaquin is one of the most talented actors working today,” Scott said. “He has a rare ability to disappear into his roles and create characters that are both believable and unforgettable.”

Scott’s belief in Phoenix’s abilities was certainly justified. In Napoleon, Phoenix gives a tour-de-force performance as the French Emperor. He captures Napoleon’s ambition, brilliance, and ruthlessness with astonishing realism.

Phoenix’s transformation from the Joker to Napoleon is a testament to his range and versatility as an actor. It is also a reminder that the best performances are often the ones that take us by surprise.

How the Joker prepared Phoenix for Napoleon

There are a number of ways in which Phoenix’s performance as the Joker prepared him for the role of Napoleon.

First, both characters are complex and contradictory figures. The Joker is a psychopathic clown prince of crime, but he is also a victim of a cruel society. Napoleon was a brilliant military strategist and a transformative leader, but he was also a ruthless dictator.

Second, both characters are driven by ambition and a desire for power. The Joker wants to watch the world burn, while Napoleon wanted to conquer Europe.

Joaquin Phoenix Cast As Napoleon Because Of "Joker"
Source: Joker 2019

Third, both characters are masters of manipulation. The Joker uses his charisma and his madness to manipulate the people around him, while Napoleon used his intellect and his military prowess to manipulate the course of history.

In order to play the Joker, Phoenix had to immerse himself in the character’s dark and twisted psyche. He lost a significant amount of weight and isolated himself from the outside world. He also studied the psychology of violence and madness.

This process of immersion prepared Phoenix for the role of Napoleon, who was also a complex and driven figure. Phoenix was able to tap into the same dark energy that he used to play the Joker, and he used it to create a compelling and nuanced performance as Napoleon.

Phoenix’s unique approach to acting

Phoenix is known for his unique approach to acting. He is a method actor, which means that he completely immerses himself in the roles that he plays. He often goes to great lengths to understand the physical and emotional state of his characters.

For example, in order to play the Joker, Phoenix lost a significant amount of weight and isolated himself from the outside world. He also studied the psychology of violence and madness.

This same dedication to his craft is evident in Phoenix’s performance as Napoleon. He spent months researching the character and learning about his military campaigns. He also trained extensively in horseback riding and sword fighting.

Phoenix’s commitment to his craft is one of the reasons why he is such a respected actor. He is always willing to push himself to the limit in order to create believable and unforgettable characters.

Napoelon At Battlefield
Source: Apple TV


Joaquin Phoenix’s transformation from the Joker to Napoleon is a testament to his range and versatility as an actor. It is also a reminder that the best performances are often the ones that take us by surprise.

Phoenix’s performance as the Joker prepared him for the role of Napoleon in a number of ways. Both characters are complex and contradictory figures, driven by ambition and a desire for power, and masters of manipulation.

Phoenix’s unique approach to acting, which involves immersing himself completely in the roles that he plays, also served him well in the role of Napoleon. He spent months researching the character and learning about his military campaigns. He also trained extensively in horseback riding and sword fighting.

Phoenix’s performance as Napoleon is sure to be one of the most talked-about performances of the year.

Related: Joaquin Phoenix Looking “Humble” In Napoleon Trailer

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