Matthew Lillard’s Kids Are Excited for Him to Play William Afton in Five Nights at Freddy’s

Matthew Lillard is known for many iconic roles, from Shaggy Rogers in the live-action Scooby-Doo movies to Stu Macher in Scream. But his kids are most excited about his latest role: William Afton in the upcoming Five Nights at Freddy’s movie.

Freddy Fazbear in an Opening Night Screening of 'FIVE NIGHTS AT FREDDYS'
Freddy Fazbear in an Opening Night Screening of ‘FIVE NIGHTS AT FREDDYS’

Matthew Lillard’s Kids Reaction After Being In FNAF

“I said ‘[I’m playing] William Afton and some rabbit.'” Lillard told The Hollywood Reporter. “And they were like, ‘Dad. That is going to be huge!'”

Lillard’s kids are big fans of the Five Nights at Freddy’s video game series, so they were thrilled to hear that their dad would be playing the main villain in the movie.

“They’re probably the only movie they’ve ever really cared about me doing,” Lillard said. “They’re teenagers, so they’re not supposed to care at this point in their lives. But there’s no doubt they are more excited about me being cast in this film than they have been with any other project I have ever been associated with in my entire life.”

Lillard is excited to play William Afton, too. He describes the character as “a very complex and interesting villain.”

“He’s not just a one-dimensional bad guy,” Lillard said. “He has a lot of layers, and he’s very motivated. He’s doing what he does for a reason, even though it’s very twisted.”

Lillard is also looking forward to working with the Five Nights at Freddy’s director, Emma Tammi. He says she’s a “visionary” filmmaker with a “clear vision” for the movie.

“I’m really excited to see what she does with this material,” Lillard said. “I think she’s going to make a really great movie.”

Lillard’s kids are already counting down the days until the Five Nights at Freddy’s movie is released. And Lillard himself can’t wait to see the finished product.

“I’m really excited for people to see this movie,” Lillard said. “I think it’s going to be a lot of fun.”

Freddy’s Five Nights
Freddy’s Five Nights

Here are some other thoughts on Matthew Lillard’s kids’ excitement for his role in Five Nights at Freddy’s:

:- It’s heartwarming to see that Lillard’s kids are so supportive of his career. It shows that they have a close bond and that they’re proud of him.

:- It’s also interesting to note that Lillard’s kids are more excited about him playing a villain than they have been about any of his other roles. This suggests that they appreciate the complexity and nuance of the character of William Afton.

:- Finally, it’s exciting to think that Lillard’s casting in Five Nights at Freddy’s could introduce the franchise to a new generation of fans. Lillard is a popular and well-respected actor, and his involvement in the movie could help to attract even more people to the world of Five Nights at Freddy’s.

Overall, it’s clear that Matthew Lillard’s kids are very excited for him to play William Afton in Five Nights at Freddy’s. It’s a heartwarming and exciting story that bodes well for the upcoming movie.

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