Robert Downey Jr. Confirms Christopher Nolan’s No Chair On Set

Robert Downey Jr. Confirms Christopher Nolan's No Chair On Set
Robert Downey Jr. Confirms Christopher Nolan’s No Chair On Set

Robert Downey Jr. Confirms Christopher Nolan’s No Chair On Set Even In Oppenheimer !

Remember that viral story about Christopher Nolan’s “no chairs” policy on his movie sets? Well, it’s true, folks! Robert Downey Jr. himself confirmed it while chatting with his pal Mark Ruffalo for Variety’s “Actors on Actors” series.

Apparently, while filming the intense “Oppenheimer,” chairs were simply not a thing. Downey, who plays the role of Lewis Strauss, shared his experience with the unique approach. He described it as “very spartan,” with the crew constantly on their toes, feeling like they were “making a watch every day.”

But wait, before you start picturing exhausted actors and crew members standing on their feet for hours, there’s more to the story. Downey explains that the fast-paced environment and Nolan’s demanding style actually helped him stay focused and in the zone. He even admitted that the lack of chairs prevented him from “checking his phone and hanging out at craft service,” which could have easily pulled him out of character.

No Bombings in Oppenheimer
Robert Downey Jr. Confirms Christopher Nolan’s No Chair On Set

Of course, this unconventional approach has sparked some debate. While some find it inspiring and motivating, others believe it borders on being unreasonable and disrespectful to the crew.

However, it’s worth noting that a spokesperson for Nolan clarified the situation, stating that the “no chairs” rule specifically applied to directors’ chairs, not chairs for cast and crew to rest on. They further emphasized that Nolan himself never uses a director’s chair and encourages breaks whenever needed.

So, was Nolan’s “no chairs” rule a brilliant stroke of genius or a step too far? Ultimately, it seems to depend on your perspective. But one thing’s for sure: it’s another example of Nolan’s unique and often unconventional filmmaking methods, and it’s definitely got people talking!

What do you think about Christopher Nolan’s “no chairs” rule? Share your thoughts in the comments below!

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