The Script For ‘RED NOTICE 2’ Is Nearing Completion

The Rock, Ryan Reynolds, and Gal Gadot are back for Red Notice 2!

The Script For ‘RED NOTICE 2’ Is Nearing Completion
Red Notice 2021 


The script for the sequel is nearing completion, and it’s shaping up to be even bigger and better than the first film. We don’t know much about the plot yet, but we can expect more action, adventure, and comedy from this star-studded cast.

This is good news for fans of the film, which was a huge success for Netflix when it was released in November 2021. Red Notice is a global heist thriller that stars Dwayne Johnson, Ryan Reynolds, and Gal Gadot. The film follows FBI profiler John Hartley (Johnson) as he teams up with art thief Nolan Booth (Reynolds) to track down and capture Sarah Black (Gadot), the world’s most wanted art thief.

The first film ended with a cliffhanger, so fans are eager to see what happens next. Stuber has not revealed any details about the plot of the sequel, but he has said that it will be “bigger and better” than the first film. He has also said that all three stars are expected to return.

While the script is nearing completion, there is no word yet on when Red Notice 2 will start filming or when it will be released. However, Stuber has said that Netflix is “committed” to the franchise, and that they are “excited to see where it goes.”

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