Jake Gyllenhaal and Doug Liman Take “Road House” to Jeff Bezos’ Yacht in Bid to Save Theatrical Release

Jake Gyllenhaal's Road House Issue
Jake Gyllenhaal and Doug Liman Take “Road House” To Jeff Bezoz

Jake Gyllenhaal’s Road House Issue

Apparently, Jake Gyllenhaal and director Doug Liman weren’t too happy with Amazon’s decision to skip the theatrical release and move their film straight to streaming so what did they do ? They took their fight straight to the top, convincing everyone but Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos to actually watch the movie on his boat!

Talk about the continuing power of Hollywood. Gyllenhaal and Liman reportedly filmed the film on Bezos’ luxury yacht in a last-ditch effort to change his mind about the current release format, though we can’t say what Bezos thinks of the film no good though (it’s probably still a secret guarded by Amazon with dolphins), though The fact that he’s willing to give himself a visit says a lot.

But even with Bezos’ intervention, it looks like the “Road House” remake is still destined for a streaming-only release. This may disappoint some fans who were hoping to deliver Gyllenhaal’s signature charm and action on the big screen. However, there is still a silver lining: at least we know that the filmmakers fought tooth and nail to get the great treatment that it deserves on screen. And hey, who knows, maybe Bezos will like the movie so much that when it lands on streaming he throws a boat party for everyone! So, grab your popcorn, sit on your couch, and get ready for a wild ride when “Road House” hits the digital waves. Just don’t expect to see it on the big screen unless Bezos decides to open his own chain of Amazon-branded theaters. 😜

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