Loki Season 2’s Cyclical Mysteries And Nature! Explained

The writing of Loki Season 2 continues to impress, with a theme that seems to be how cyclical stories and even time can be. From OB and Victor cementing the “ouroboros” nature of their relationship by meeting each other, to Loki realizing that he pruned himself in the future, everything’s working in a circle. Almost as if it’s all being orchestrated by someone… who will Return.

Loki Season 2's Cyclical Mysteries And Nature! Explained
Credit: CanWeGetSomeToast

Time Loop Nature In Loki Series

The Ouroboros

The Ouroboros is an ancient symbol of a snake eating its own tail, forming a perfect circle. It is often used to represent the cyclical nature of life, death, and rebirth. In the context of Loki Season 2, the Ouroboros represents the way in which time is cyclical, and how our choices can have consequences that echo through the ages.

One of the most striking examples of this is the relationship between OB and Victor. OB is a Time Guardian, responsible for pruning timelines that go off script. Victor is a variant of Loki who has been pruned countless times. In the season finale, OB and Victor meet, and it is revealed that they have been drawn to each other for centuries. This meeting cements the “ouroboros” nature of their relationship, as they are both bound to each other by the cycle of time.

Another example of the cyclical nature of time is Loki’s realization that he pruned himself in the future. This realization leads him to question his own choices and the very nature of free will. It also suggests that Loki is trapped in a cycle, unable to escape his own destiny.

Orchestrated by Someone?

Loki Season 2's Cyclical Mysteries And Nature! Explained
Source: Loki Season 2

The cyclical nature of time in Loki Season 2 raises the question of whether or not everything is being orchestrated by someone. The TVA has always claimed that they are protecting the Sacred Timeline, but what if they are actually controlling it? And if so, who are they working for?

One possibility is that the TVA is working for He Who Remains, the mysterious being who created the TVA and the Sacred Timeline. He Who Remains claims that he created the TVA to prevent a multiversal war, but what if his true motives are more selfish? What if he is simply trying to maintain control over the timeline and ensure his own survival?

Another possibility is that the TVA is working for someone else entirely. Perhaps there is a greater power at play, one that is manipulating the TVA and the Sacred Timeline for its own purposes. This would explain the cyclical nature of time in the season, as the greater power would be able to keep resetting the timeline whenever it goes off script.

It All Comes Back Around

Loki Season 2's Cyclical Mysteries And Nature! Explained
Source: Loki Season 2

The cyclical nature of time in Loki Season 2 is a reminder that our choices have consequences, and that those consequences can echo through the ages. It is also a reminder that we may not always be in control of our own destiny. The TVA, He Who Remains, and the greater power (if it exists) are all examples of forces that are beyond our control.

However, the fact that time is cyclical also means that there is always hope. If we can learn from our mistakes and make better choices, we can break the cycle and create a better future for ourselves.

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