Disney’s “Soul” Earned $557K On Domestic Box-Office Opening Weekend

Disney's "Soul" Earned $557K On Domestic Box-Office Opening Weekend

Disney’s Soul Earns $557K!

Pixar’s SOUL,” a heartwarming film about a middle-school band teacher’s journey between life and death, premiered on December 25, 2020. While the film garnered critical acclaim and won two Academy Awards, its box office performance was significantly affected by the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.

A Limited Theatrical Release

Unlike many Pixar films that enjoy wide theatrical releases, “SOUL” had a limited rollout due to cinema closures and audience hesitancy to visit theaters. The film opened in only 10 international markets on its opening weekend, grossing a modest $7.65 million. This was a far cry from the typical opening weekend numbers for Pixar films, which often reach into the tens or even hundreds of millions.

Finding Success on Streaming

Despite the limited theatrical release, “SOUL” found a wider audience through its simultaneous release on Disney+. The film quickly became a popular choice for viewers stuck at home during the pandemic, and its positive word-of-mouth helped it build a loyal following.

A Box Office Triumph in Challenging Times

While “SOUL” didn’t reach the same box office heights as some of Pixar’s other blockbusters, its global gross of $121 million is still a respectable achievement considering the circumstances. The film’s performance demonstrates that even in a pandemic, audiences are still eager to connect with Pixar’s signature blend of animation, storytelling, and emotional resonance.

Disney's "Soul" Earned $557K On Domestic Box-Office Opening Weekend
Soul, Credit: Disney

A Legacy of Hope and Inspiration

“SOUL” is more than just a box office story; it’s a testament to the power of film to uplift and inspire audiences during difficult times. The film’s message of finding purpose and passion in life resonated with viewers of all ages, offering a much-needed dose of hope and optimism during a global crisis.


While the pandemic undoubtedly impacted “SOUL’s” box office performance, the film’s success on streaming and its enduring critical acclaim solidify its place as a beloved Pixar classic. “SOUL” is a reminder that even in the darkest of times, the power of storytelling can connect us, inspire us, and remind us of what truly matters in life.

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