Invincible Showrunner Teases Spider-Man Crossover

Invincible showrunner Simon Racioppa has teased a possible crossover with Spider-Man in the upcoming second season of the hit Amazon Prime Video animated series.

Invincible Showrunner Teases Spider-Man Crossover
Credit: Invincible 2

Invincible Spider-Man Crossover

When asked about the possibility of a crossover, Racioppa gave a cryptic response, saying, “You gotta have to wait and see.” But fans of the show have noticed a few clues that suggest a crossover could be in the works.

First, the showrunner has confirmed that the second season will feature the multiverse. This would provide a way for Spider-Man and Invincible to meet, even though they are from different comic book universes.

Second, Sony Pictures Television, which owns the film rights to Spider-Man, has a TV deal with Amazon Prime Video. This means that the two companies have a working relationship, which could make a crossover more likely.

Finally, the cast of Invincible includes Josh Keaton, who voiced Spider-Man in the critically acclaimed Spectacular Spider-Man animated series. This could be seen as a hint that a crossover is being planned.

Of course, there’s no guarantee that a Spider-Man crossover will actually happen. But the fact that Racioppa is teasing it and that there are a few clues to support it suggests that it’s a possibility.

Invincible Showrunner Teases Spider-Man Crossover
Credit: Invincible 2

Potential Storylines for a Crossover

If a Spider-Man crossover does happen, there are a few potential storylines that the show could explore.

One possibility is that Spider-Man and Invincible could team up to fight a common enemy. For example, they could face off against a powerful villain who is threatening both of their worlds.

Another possibility is that Spider-Man and Invincible could get caught up in a multiverse adventure. For example, they could travel to each other’s worlds and learn more about each other’s cultures.

It’s also possible that the crossover could simply be a cameo appearance by Spider-Man. For example, he could appear in a scene where Invincible is watching TV or reading a comic book.

Regardless of how it happens, a Spider-Man crossover would be a major event for Invincible fans. It would be two of the biggest superheroes in the world coming together for the first time on television.

Invincible Showrunner Teases Spider-Man Crossover
Credit: Invincible 2

Fan Reaction

Fans of Invincible and Spider-Man are divided on the possibility of a crossover. Some fans are excited, while others are skeptical.

Those who are excited argue that a crossover would be a dream come true. They would love to see two of their favorite superheroes team up.

Those who are skeptical are worried that a crossover would ruin the show. They argue that Invincible is its own unique show, and it doesn’t need to be crossed over with other superheroes.


Whether or not a Spider-Man crossover happens in Invincible season 2 is still a mystery. But the fact that the showrunner is teasing it and that there are a few clues to support it suggests that it’s a possibility.

If a crossover does happen, it will be interesting to see how the show handles it. Will it be a major plot point, or will it just be a cameo appearance? Only time will tell.

What do you think? Would you like to see a Spider-Man crossover in Invincible season 2?

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Invincible Showrunner Teases Spider-Man Crossover

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