Yoda-Like Creature Found In 14th Century Manuscript

Master Yoda in the 14th Century? historians Damien Kempf and Maria L. Gilbert have recently discovered an image of a monk in a religious volume from the early 1300s that bears a striking resemblance to Jedi Grand Master Yoda from the Star Wars films.

Yoda-Like Creatures
14th Century Manuscript

Yoda Found in 14th-Century Manuscript

The image comes from a 14th-century manuscript known as the Smithfield Decretals, which is a collection of legal texts from the Catholic Church. The illustration shows a monk seated in a chair, with his hands folded on his lap. He has a long, white beard and a green cloak, and his facial features are eerily similar to Yoda’s.

Of course, it’s unlikely that the artist who created the illustration was actually trying to draw Yoda. More likely, he was simply using his imagination to depict a wise and learned monk. But the resemblance to Yoda is undeniable, and it’s led to some speculation about possible connections between the medieval world and the Star Wars universe.

Julian Harrison, who runs the British Library’s Medieval Manuscripts blog, says that he would “love to say that it really was Yoda, or was drawn by a medieval time traveler.” But he adds that it’s more likely that the illustration is simply a coincidence.

“It’s actually an illustration to the biblical story of Samson — the artist clearly had a vivid imagination!” Harrison said.

Regardless of its origins, the Yoda-like monk in the Smithfield Decretals is a fascinating reminder of the rich and varied world of medieval art. It’s also a testament to the power of the human imagination, which can create connections between even the most seemingly disparate things.

Yoda-Like Creature Found In 14th Century Manuscript
Master Yoda

The Mystery Deepens

One possibility is that the artist was simply trying to create a memorable and visually appealing image. After all, the Smithfield Decretals is a legal text, and it’s unlikely that the artist was trying to convey any deeper meaning.

Another possibility is that the image is actually symbolic. Perhaps the artist was using the figure of the Yoda-like monk to represent the wisdom and authority of the Catholic Church. Or perhaps he was trying to make a statement about the relationship between faith and reason.

The discovery of the Yoda-like monk has raised a number of questions. For example, why did the artist choose to depict him in such a unique way? And why did he give him such a striking resemblance to a character from a modern science fiction film?

Whatever the artist’s intentions, the Yoda-like monk in the Smithfield Decretals is a reminder that medieval art is often more complex and mysterious than it might first appear. It’s also a reminder that the human imagination is capable of creating truly remarkable things.

Yoda-Like Creature Found In 14th Century Manuscript


The discovery of the Yoda-like monk in the Smithfield Decretals is a fascinating reminder of the rich and varied world of medieval art. It’s also a testament to the power of the human imagination, which can create connections between even the most seemingly disparate things.

While the artist’s intentions are unknown, the image is likely a coincidence. However, it’s also possible that the image is symbolic or has some deeper meaning. Ultimately, the mystery of the Yoda-like monk is up to each individual to decide.

So next time you’re watching Star Wars, keep an eye out for Yoda. You never know, he might just be a time-traveling monk from the 14th century!

Yoda Like Creature
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