Marvel Confirms Everything Is Canon Now, Thanks to the Multiverse

In the recent book Marvel Studios: The Marvel Cinematic Universe An Official Timeline, Marvel boss Kevin Feige confirmed that all Marvel movies and shows, even the ones made by other companies, are canon in the MCU multiverse.

Thanks to the Multiverse
Source: Marvel

Everything Marvel Is Canon In The MCU Multiverse

This is big news for Marvel fans, as it means that everything from the Tobey Maguire Spider-Man movies to the X-Men movies to the Daredevil Netflix series is now officially part of the MCU multiverse.

What does this mean for the future of the MCU? It’s hard to say for sure, but it certainly opens up a lot of possibilities.

For example, we could see characters from non-MCU Marvel movies and shows cross over into the main MCU timeline. Or, we could see entire stories from those movies and shows adapted into the MCU.

Whatever happens, it’s clear that the MCU is about to get a lot bigger and more complex.

Marvel Confirms Everything Is Canon Now, Thanks to the Multiverse

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On the Multiverse note, we recognize that there are stories-movies and series-that are canonical to Marvel but were created by different storytellers during different periods of Marvel’s history. The timeline presented in this book is specific to the MCU’s Sacred Timeline through Phase 4. But, as we move forward and dive deeper into the Multiverse Saga, you never know when timelines may just crash or converge.
Marvel Confirms Everything Is Canon Now, Thanks to the Multiverse
Source: Marvel

Here are some more specific thoughts on how Marvel could incorporate non-MCU Marvel movies and shows into the future of the MCU:

  • Multiversal crossovers: Marvel could have characters from non-MCU Marvel movies and shows cross over into the main MCU timeline. This could be done in a variety of ways. For example, a character could be transported to the MCU from their own universe, or a portal could open up between the two universes.
  • Multiversal variants: Marvel could also introduce the concept of multiversal variants. Multiversal variants are characters who are essentially the same person, but from different universes. For example, there could be a multiversal variant of Spider-Man who is a member of the X-Men, or a multiversal variant of Daredevil who is a member of the Avengers.
  • Multiversal teams: Marvel could also create new teams that consist of characters from different universes. For example, there could be a team called the Multiversal Avengers, or a team called the Multiversal X-Men. These teams could be assembled to deal with threats that are too big for any one universe to handle.
  • Multiversal storylines: Marvel could also tell stories that take place across multiple universes. For example, there could be a storyline where a villain is trying to destroy all of the universes, and the heroes from different universes have to team up to stop them. This type of storyline would be a great way to bring together characters from all over the Marvel multiverse.

In addition to the above, here are some more casual thoughts on how Marvel could incorporate non-MCU Marvel movies and shows into the MCU multiverse:

  • Multiversal cameos: Marvel could have characters from non-MCU Marvel movies and shows make brief cameos in the main MCU timeline. For example, we could see Tobey Maguire’s Spider-Man swinging by in the background of a shot, or we could hear a news report about the X-Men. These cameos would be a fun way to acknowledge the non-MCU Marvel movies and shows and to give fans a sense of excitement about the possibilities of the multiverse.
  • Multiversal references: Marvel could also make references to non-MCU Marvel movies and shows in the main MCU timeline. For example, a character could mention that they have heard rumors about a multiverse, or they could talk about a hero from another universe. These references would help to build the world of the multiverse and to make it feel more real to fans.
  • Multiversal easter eggs: Marvel could also plant easter eggs related to non-MCU Marvel movies and shows in the main MCU timeline. For example, we could see a poster for the X-Men movie in the background of a shot, or we could hear a song from the Daredevil Netflix series playing on the radio. These easter eggs would be a fun way for Marvel to reward fans for their attention to detail and to give them a sense of satisfaction when they spot them.

I’m excited to see how Marvel chooses to incorporate non-MCU Marvel movies and shows into the MCU multiverse. I think it has the potential to be a lot of fun for fans and to create some truly epic stories.

My Thoughts

One of the things that I’m most excited about is the possibility of seeing multiversal crossovers. I would love to see characters like Tobey Maguire’s Spider-Man, Hugh Jackman’s Wolverine, and Charlie Cox’s Daredevil interact with the characters from the main MCU timeline. It would be really interesting to see how they would react to each other and how they would work together to face common threats.

I’m also curious to see how Marvel will handle the concept of multiversal variants. Will they be used to explain away continuity errors from the non-MCU Marvel movies and shows? Or will they be used to create new universe.

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