Mephisto Was Never Going To Be In Wanda Vision

Wanda Vision director Matt Shakman has finally spoken out about the Mephisto theories that ran wild during the show’s initial airing. In an interview with Inverse, Shakman said that Mephisto was never a part of the plan for WandaVision, and that he was “head-scratcher” at how confident fans were that he would appear.


Mephisto Never An Idea

“There were some deep readings of the text that led to certain conclusions that were wrong,” Shakman said. “Mephisto was never a part of our plan. So that was a head-scratcher. But hey, he’s a great character.”

Shakman’s comments put to rest months of speculation about Mephisto’s potential role in WandaVision. Many fans believed that the devilish villain was pulling the strings behind Westview, and that he would be revealed as the true antagonist of the show. However, in the end, it was Agatha Harkness all along.

While some fans may be disappointed that Mephisto didn’t show up in WandaVision, there’s always the possibility that he could appear in future MCU projects. After all, he’s a major character in the Marvel comics, and he’s been teased in several other MCU properties, such as Doctor Strange and Loki.

But for now, it seems like fans will have to wait a little longer to see Mephisto make his live-action debut.

There were a few reasons why fans were so confident that Mephisto would be in WandaVision. First, the show drew heavily on horror tropes, which is something Mephisto is known for. Second, there were a number of references to Mephisto in the show, such as the Scarlet Witch’s red dress and the devilish iconography in Agatha Harkness’s basement.

However, as Shakman pointed out, these references were all intentional misleads. The writers of WandaVision wanted to keep fans guessing, and they knew that Mephisto was a character that fans would be expecting.

It’s possible that Mephisto could appear in future MCU projects. After all, he’s a major villain in the Marvel comics, and he’s been teased in several other MCU properties, such as Doctor Strange and Loki.

However, it’s also possible that Mephisto will never appear in the MCU. Marvel Studios is known for changing its plans, and it’s possible that they’ve decided to go in a different direction with the character.

Only time will tell whether or not Mephisto will ever appear in the MCU. But one thing is for sure: Matt Shakman won’t be directing his debut.

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