Robert De Niro Testifies Again in Gender Discrimination Case

Robert De Niro is back on the stand, testifying in a gender discrimination case brought against him by his former assistant, Graham Chase Robinson. The case has been ongoing for several years, and De Niro has denied all of the allegations.

Robert De Niro in Gender Discrimination Case

Robinson claims that De Niro subjected her to gender discrimination and retaliation while she was working for him. She alleges that he made sexist comments, gave her stereotypical female job duties, and paid her less than a male employee. She also claims that De Niro’s girlfriend, Tiffany Chen, targeted her with false accusations, which led to her being stripped of her job duties.

De Niro has denied all of Robinson’s allegations. He testified that he never made any sexist comments to her, and that he treated her fairly and respectfully. He also said that he paid her a competitive salary, and that she was given the same job duties as her male counterparts.

On the second day of his testimony, De Niro was questioned about his relationship with Chen. Robinson claims that Chen was jealous of her and that she tried to sabotage her career. De Niro denied that Chen was jealous of Robinson, and he said that she never tried to interfere with their working relationship.

The trial is expected to last for several weeks. The jury will have to decide whether or not De Niro discriminated against Robinson on the basis of her gender. If they find that he did, they will have to award her damages.

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