David Fincher Responds to Incels Being Fans of Tyler Durden

In an interview with The Guardian, director David Fincher was asked about the fact that his film Fight Club has become a favorite among incels, a group of men who are often sexually frustrated and misogynistic.

David Fincher Responds to Incels Being Fans of Tyler Durden
Source: Fight Club 1999

David Fincher Responds to Incels

Fincher said that he is “not responsible” for how people interpret his films, and that he didn’t make Fight Club specifically for incels. He also said that he believes it is “impossible” for people to not understand that Tyler Durden, the film’s protagonist, is a negative influence.

“People see what they want to see,” Fincher said. “If they want to see Tyler Durden as a hero, then that’s on them. But I don’t think that’s the message of the film.”

Fincher’s comments come as no surprise, as he has always been outspoken about his belief that artists should not be held responsible for how their work is interpreted. In the past, he has said that he believes it is up to the individual to decide what they take away from a piece of art.

However, Fincher’s comments are likely to spark debate among some people, as many people believe that artists do have a responsibility to be mindful of the messages that their work sends.

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