Coyote. and Acme: A Bidding War for 2024 Theatrical Release?

Coyote. and Acme
Coyote. and Acme: A Bidding War

Coyote. and Acme: Controversy (Sort Of)

Get ready for a battle of wills between Hollywood studios, all vying for the chance to bring us “Coyote. vs. Acme” in theaters next year!

Paramount Pictures has already thrown their hat into the ring, making a bid for the film. But they’re not the only ones interested. Amazon Studios is also circling, but haven’t made their move yet.

But the real curveball comes from Warner Bros., who seem to be playing hardball. They’re reportedly expecting a whopping $70 million for the rights to the film, which could potentially price out some of the competition.

With three major studios vying for the chance to bring “Coyote vs. Acme” to life, the stakes have never been higher. It’s a fight for cinematic supremacy, and only one studio will emerge victorious.

The outcome will not only determine the future of this iconic franchise but also set the stage for future Hollywood trends. Will Paramount’s early bid win them the prize, or will Amazon or Warner Bros. ultimately snatch it away?


So, will we see a classic chase comedy grace the big screen in 2024? And who will ultimately emerge victorious in this bidding war? Only time will tell!

Here’s what we know so far:

  • Paramount: Ready to pounce with a bid.
  • Amazon: Still mulling things over.
  • Warner Bros: Playing the game and holding out for a big payday.

With the stakes this high, the race to capture “Coyote vs. Acme” is sure to be a nail-biter!

Stay tuned for further updates as this story unfolds!

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