Homer Simpson Caught Strangling Bart, Despite Exec Producers Saying He’s Stopped

In a recent interview, the executive producers of The Simpsons claimed that Homer Simpson would no longer be strangling his son, Bart. This was in response to reports that the show was trying to distance itself from outdated and controversial gags.

The Simpsons
The Simpsons

Homer Simpson Was Unavailable

However, it seems that Homer Simpson hasn’t gotten the memo. In a new drawing released by the show’s producers, Homer is depicted strangling Bart as usual. The drawing is accompanied by the caption, “Homer Simpson was unavailable for comment as he was busy strangling Bart.”

It’s unclear whether the drawing is meant to be a joke or a serious statement. Some fans have interpreted it as a sign that the show is not really committed to changing its ways, while others have defended the drawing as a way of poking fun at the controversy.

Regardless of the intent, the drawing has certainly sparked a conversation about the show’s content and its place in modern society. Some people are arguing that it’s important for the show to reflect the changing times and to avoid promoting negative stereotypes. Others argue that the show should be allowed to retain its sense of humor, even if it means offending some people.

It remains to be seen whether the show will continue to feature Homer strangling Bart. However, the new drawing is a reminder that the show is still not afraid to tackle controversial topics.

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