Jacob Elordi Rejected The Role Of Superman

Jacob Elordi has been making waves in Hollywood with his roles in popular films and TV shows like Euphoria and Kissing Booth. But one role he’s turned down is that of Superman.

Jacob Elordi Rejected The Role Of Superman
Jacob Elordi

Jacob Elordi Declines Superman Role: Here’s Why

In a recent interview, Elordi revealed that he was asked to audition for the role, but he declined. “That was immediately, ‘No, thank you,'” he said. “That’s too much. That’s too dark for me.”

This may come as a surprise to some, given that Superman is one of the most iconic and beloved superheroes of all time. But Elordi has his reasons for turning down the role.

He’s not ready for the pressure

Being Superman comes with a lot of pressure. The character is a symbol of hope and justice, and fans have high expectations for anyone who takes on the role.

Elordi knows this, and he’s not sure if he’s ready for that kind of pressure yet. “I don’t think I’m ready to be that kind of role model,” he said. “I don’t think I’m ready to be that kind of hero.”

He wants to explore different types of roles

Jacob Elordi Rejected The Role Of Superman
Source: The Kissing Booth 3

Elordi is a versatile actor who has shown that he can play a variety of roles. He’s not interested in being typecast as a superhero.

“I want to explore different types of roles,” he said. “I want to play characters that are complex and flawed. I want to play characters that challenge me.”


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He doesn’t want to be too famous

Being Superman would make Elordi a household name. But he’s not sure if he’s ready for that level of fame.

“I don’t want to be too famous,” he said. “I want to be able to have a private life. I want to be able to walk down the street without being recognized.”

So, what’s next for Jacob Elordi?

Elordi is currently filming the third season of Euphoria. He also has a number of other projects in the pipeline, including a film adaptation of the novel The Statistical Probability of Love at First Sight.

It’s clear that Elordi is a talented actor with a bright future ahead of him. Whether or not he ever plays Superman, he’s sure to continue to entertain audiences for years to come.

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