Mark Ruffalo Tight-lipped on Hulk Solo Movie: “Cool, But…” He Said

Mark Ruffalo
Mark Ruffalo As Hulk

Mark Ruffalo Tight-lipped on Hulk Solo Movie

Mark Ruffalo, our favorite green rage monster, is keeping things mum on the possibility of a solo Hulk movie. While the actor admits he’s been putting some serious thought into what a standalone Hulk film could be, Disney has apparently requested he keeps it under wraps for now.

“I think it could be really cool,” Ruffalo admitted, leaving fans eager for more. “I’ve been putting a lot into what it could be to be cool, but I don’t know yet.”

This news comes after years of speculation about whether Ruffalo will ever get his own Hulk movie. While he’s been a smash hit as the big guy in the Avengers films, a dedicated solo project has remained elusive.

Of course, the rights to Hulk are a bit of a tangled mess. Universal holds the rights to solo Hulk movies, while Marvel Studios has the rights to use Hulk in team-up films. This makes any potential solo project a complicated negotiation.

Despite the uncertainty, fans haven’t lost hope. The recent success of “Thor: Ragnarok” and Ruffalo’s fantastic performance have only fueled the desire for a standalone Hulk film.

So while we may not have any concrete answers yet, one thing’s for sure: the Hulk is still a fan favorite, and Mark Ruffalo is definitely up for the challenge of a solo movie. Let’s just hope Disney and Universal can work things out and give us the Hulk film we all deserve!

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